Tuesday, December 30, 2008

All-Terrain Race!

Happy Holidays from Sun Valley Tele!

However you celebrate, Christmas Day revealed some of the deepest presents anyone could ask for!

In other news, 2009 posters will be out soon, along with a big announcement from us; something entirely new, let's say...

Saturday marks the first event of the series with the classic All-Terrain Race, featuring bumps, jumps, gs, and hiking.

Come join the festivities this weekend, and help us bring in this 29th season of the Sun Valley Telemark Series.

Registration 9-10am, Warm Springs Lodge.

Event starts promptly @ 10:30.

Party to be announced at event.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Rumor Mill

A lot of speculation regarding the future of K2 Telemark lately on the interweb.

Here's a link to the scoop for inquiring minds (cut and paste link):



Monday, November 17, 2008

Prizes for Everyone:

Thanks for making the Freeheelin' Food Drive a success!

Here's a couple prizes for everyone who helped make this happen:

have you sacrificed to ullr today?


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Let's Kick Off the Season!

Here are teasers from the videos we'll be showing:

The Pact (Powderwhores):

Internation (Erin Griffith):





See you Saturday...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Two Videos

Apologies for the lack of updates this past week, been trying to get after it as much as possible before the snow flies...

Here are a couple of videos of Danny and myself from this fall.

First, our fearless leader and friends climbing at an undisclosed location:

Second, here's some footage of me shot by Steve Ferguson back in September, as edited by Josh Romberg (having trouble with embedding video or link) cut and paste address to view:


Finally, if you have some video or photos of your fall adventures, send them my way at tyo.julian@gmail.com.

Stay tuned for information regarding our kick-off event towards the end of the month.


Friday, October 24, 2008

Fall Stoke

The roommates and I decided to break out the cruisers and take a scenic shuttle tour from Galena Summit down into the basin.

Served as some good winter recon, an excuse to wear bell bottoms, and a good test run for the bike I'll be "racing" in the Idaho Cross Championships tomorrow.

back at the summit, brendan shredded a big mountain line on fubar, my cruiser'd out '95 zaskar.

Monday, October 20, 2008

"Seasons change and so do I..."

The colors are turning here in the Wood River Valley, and with the last week's dusting of the local peaks, it doesn't feel like winter is that far away. If you'd like to share a shot you feel represents the transition of fall to winter, send me an e-mail at tyo.julian@gmail.com. Biking, climbing, hot-springing, hiking, volleyball, whatever- send it my way and we'll put something together.

Josh snapped this nugget the other day out on Adam's loop:

Friday, October 10, 2008

So it Snowed Today...

Spread the stoke; our season is fast approaching!

Danny Walton on 4/20/08.

Video by Steve Ferguson:

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Feel the Burn, Ride the Burn...

Here's a video of Danny riding the burn as followed by Sean from a month ago.

Think Snow!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


The morning after a big night in Stanley, our motley crew of three met up at the Bakery to orchestrate the day's adventure. Josh, Sean and I represented the remnants of what was slated to be the "big" ride. While our riding buddies sat quivering under their covers, waiting for the rains to pass before leaving their beds, our trio set out to conquer the "big one" in the persisting drizzle.

We set Sean's trusty Torpedo as our shuttle vehicle with proper apres supplies, cranked up the latin hip hop, and ascended into the mist. The light drizzle lasted through the day, creating all-time conditions on one of the most stimulating trails out there. The sun made a brief appearance, so Josh pulled out his camera and snapped some bangers (click to enlarge):

4000+ feet of descending later we arrived safely back at the Torpedo chilled to the bone and grinning ear to ear. Good thing there were some hotsprings nearby...


Thursday, October 2, 2008

"I either have a long term loss of my short term memory or a short term loss of my long term memory, problem is I can't remember Man!"

Ever wonder what to do with those old rear entry boots sitting the garage? Throw a party! Here is some classic ski bum footage from the Scrapplefest/Ullr- Pray for Snow party...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Updates & Event Dates

Sun Valley Tele is proud to announce our 29th straight season of competition!

This blog site is the new information source for all Sun Valley Tele competition updates, community events and locally produced media.

In following weeks this site will see cosmetic changes as we get everything dialled in, but check back for updates as events unfold.

The Official 2009 Sun Valley Tele Series Dates:

Sat. 1-3-09 All-Terrain at Sun Valley (bumps,jumps,GS,hiking)

Sat. 2-7-09 Idaho's Original Bob Marley Day 3 Events -All-Terrain,Big Air,Tele Powder8's

Sun.3-8-09 Dollar Mountain GS

Sat. 4-4-09 Hawaiian Nationals- Duel GS,Tandem Tele Challenge,Telemark Parade, Rail Jam