Tuesday, November 29, 2011

2012: The Telepacolypse

Here are two of what we hope to be four dates for the 2012 Sun Valley Telemark Series: The Telepacolypse.

- All-Terrain Race: Saturday, January 28th, 2012. Registration 9-11 am at Warm Springs Lodge, Sun Valley Resort.
Racing begins at 12 pm, noon.

- Hawaiian Nationals: Saturday, March 31st, 2012. Registration 9-11 am at Warm Springs Lodge, Sun Valley Resort.
Racing begins at 12 pm, noon.

Also, we are proud to announce Flylow as our exclusive apparel sponsor for the upcoming season!

Stay tuned for updates.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

2011 Hawaiian Nationals- 4/2/2011

Registration: 9-10:30am @ Warm Springs

Racing: 11am @ Cozy

$20 for Racing and a Raffle Ticket.

All Competitors Eligable for Discounted Lift Ticket.

Human Slalom and Party to Follow Racing!

Tandem Tele if There's a Demand...



Costumes Encouraged (Theme is Tropical Retrofuturism)!

Bring a friend!

Contact us w/ any Prize and Raffle Donations if You'd Like to Contribute!

Friday, January 21, 2011

next generation stickers

contact julian, kyle, nick or brendan for yours today!

small donations requested, or attend a race...