The morning after a big night in Stanley, our motley crew of three met up at the Bakery to orchestrate the day's adventure. Josh, Sean and I represented the remnants of what was slated to be the "big" ride. While our riding buddies sat quivering under their covers, waiting for the rains to pass before leaving their beds, our trio set out to conquer the "big one" in the persisting drizzle.
We set Sean's trusty Torpedo as our shuttle vehicle with proper apres supplies, cranked up the latin hip hop, and ascended into the mist. The light drizzle lasted through the day, creating all-time conditions on one of the most stimulating trails out there. The sun made a brief appearance, so Josh pulled out his camera and snapped some bangers (click to enlarge):
4000+ feet of descending later we arrived safely back at the Torpedo chilled to the bone and grinning ear to ear. Good thing there were some hotsprings nearby...
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